People across our great state want to reset Nevada's trajectory to a more positive, productive direction in education, public safety, and other issues that have changed Nevada in many unknown ways. It is time to Reset Nevada.

Require an ID to vote in any election
Require paper ballots that can be counted by hand

Public Meeting shall be declared "For The Public" in the Nevada Revised Statutes - NRS 241 and 203.
Public comment shall be time certain on public meeting agendas.
Public comment shall be mandatory on each agenda item, including the consent agenda.
Public Comment shall be at the beginning and end of each meeting, time certain.
Public Comment shall be 4 minutes for each speaker
Language that is intimidating to public speakers shall be forbidden and legal warnings shall be limited to the following language:

There shall be NO INCREASE in the compensation of school board members until the following changes to Nevada Law are made:
The President of a school board may not serve in two consecutive terms.
The Superintendent of each school district shall be elected and salary determined by Nevada Law not to exceed the Governor of Nevada.
The Chief Legal Officer of each school district shall be elected and salary determined by Nevada Law not to exceed the Attorney General of Nevada.

Public Safety and first responders #1

The appointment process needs an update in Nevada

The appointment process shall be changed to require an election if there is a vacancy by 180 days or more before the next general election, if the vancancy occurs by less than 180 days the position shall remain vacant until the next general election